
opticaL wireless undewAter positioninG for marine mOnitOriNg

LAGO-ON - opticaL wireless undewAter positioninG for marine mOnitOriNg (PRIN 2022) is a two-year project, started on September 2023.
Project team:

  • Roma Tre University (Anna Maria Vegni as Principal Investigator)
  • Institute of Marine Engineering - National Research Council
    (Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
  • Sapienza University of Rome - Dept. of Environmental Biology and ecology

  • Underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) is a promising technology to achieve wireless connectivity in the underwater environment. Compared to conventional underwater communications such as the acoustic and radio frequency ones, UOWC offers a much higher bandwidth/data rate and lower latency, while consuming less power. UOWC is suitable for a large plethora of underwater applications such as imaging, real-time video transmission, and high-throughput services, and is also an enabler of the Internet of Underwater Things paradigm (IoUT).
  • In IoUT applications, data collected by underwater sensors is interpreted w.r.t the sensor position, e.g. by tracking the movement of a target object. Localization estimation in underwater scenarios represents a very challenging topic.
  • LAGO-ON aims to use optical wireless (OW) technology in the range of visible light for an accurate and eco-compatible underwater positioning system for moving platforms, like Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and divers. This project will propose a IoUT system for underwater positioning, based on visible light propagation.