Steering Committee

Prof. Zabih Ghassemlooy – General Chair of CSNDSP

  • Zabih Ghassemlooy - Northumbria University, UK (Fellow, SOA; Fellow, IET; Senior Member, IEEE; Member, ACM), CEng, BSc (Hons.), MMU, (1981), MSc (1984) and PhD (1987) Manchester Univ., UK. 1987-88 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, City Univ., UK. 1988-2004 Sheffield Hallam Universi-ty and 2004-14 Northumbria University (NU), UK, and is Head of Optical Communications Re-search Group. He is Research Fellow (2016-) and Distinguished Professor (2015-) at Chinese Academy of Science, Vice- Chair of Cost Action-CA19111, 2020-24. 940 publications. Research interest: optical wireless communications (OWC) and hybrid RF-OWC. Chief Editor: British J. of Applied Science and Technology and Intern. J. of Optics and Applications. Vice-Cahir of OSA Technical Group (Optics in Digital Systems-2018).
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Prof. Anna Maria Vegni – Chair of Local Organizing Committee

  • Anna Maria Vegni - Roma Tre University, Italy (Senior member, IEEE) is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at Roma Tre University (Italy), since 2020. She received the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications from the Department of Applied Electronics, Roma Tre University, in 2010. She received the M.Sc. Degree cum laude in Electronics Engineering at Roma Tre University in 2006. In 2009, she was a visiting researcher in the Multimedia Communication Laboratory, directed by Prof. Little, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, working on vehicular networking supported by heterogeneous wireless networks. In 2021, she got the Italian Habilitation (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) for Full Professorship in Telecommunication Engineering. She is involved in the organization of several IEEE and ACM international conferences and is a member of the editorial board of IEEE Communications Magazine, JCN, Ad Hoc Networks, _INCA Elsevier journals, and ETT Wiley journal.
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Prof. Stanislav Zvanovec – Chair of the Keynote and Invited Speakers

  • Stanislav Zvanovec - Prague University, CZ. Received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. He is a Full Profes-sor, the Deputy Head of the Department of Electromagnetic Field and leader of Wireless and Fiber Optics team at CTU. His current research interests include free space optics (FSO) and fi-ber optical systems, visible light communications (VLC), RF over optics. He is author of two books and more than 250 journal articles and conference papers.
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Prof. Michael Logothesis – Chair of Special Sessions and Colloquiums

  • Michael Logothetis - University of Patras, GR. Dipl.-Eng. (1981), Doct. Electrical Engineering (1990), Univ. of Patras, Patras/Greece. 1982-1990, Teaching & Research Assistant, Wire Com-munications Lab., Univ. of Patras. 1991-1992, Research Associate, NTT, Tokyo. Afterwards, Lec-turer, ECE Dept., Univ. of Patras; since 2009 (Full) Professor at the same Dept. Research: Teletraffic theory/engineering, traffic/network control, simulation & performance optimization of communications networks. Publications: over 250 (two teletraffic books Klidarithmos/Wiley) with over 1100 third-party citations. Organized:IEEE/IET CSNDSP 2006 (Steering Committee member), IEICE ICTF 2016, and many technical sessions. Tutorial Lectures & Keynote Speech in conferences. Guest Editor in journals. Participation to Editorial Board of journals. Member: IARIA (Fellow), IEEE (Senior), IEICE (Senior), FITCE, Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE).
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Prof. Luís Nero Alves – Chair of Online Submission

Prof. Wai Pang Ng – Chair of Paper Review/Selections

  • Wai Pang Ng - University of Northumbria, U.K. (S'99-M'01-SM'08) received his BEng (Hons) in Communications and Electronic Engineering, from the University of Northumbria, U.K. and his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from University of Wales, Swansea. He is currently the Deputy Head of Department and Associate Professor of Optical Communications in the Department of Maths, Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University, U.K. and before that he was a Senior Lecturer. He has worked as Senior Networking Software Engineer at Intel Corporation. His research interests include radio-over-fiber, cognitive radio, high speed optical communica-tions, adaptive digital signal processing and distributed fibre sensing. Dr. Ng was the Chair of IEEE UK&RI Communications Chapter (2011-2015) and the Publicity Chair of IEEE ICC2015 and ICC2016. He has also served as Guest Editor for IET Communications. He was Symposium Co-Chair of Signal Processing for Communications Symposium at ICC 2009, Technical Chair of CSNDSP 2010, Technical Chair of NOC/OC&I 2011, and TPC members for numerous internation-al conferences including GLOBECOM and ICC since 2006. He is also a member of SPCE TC, TCGCC, ONTC and FiWi Sub-TC.
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Prof. Mohammad Ali Khalighi – Chair of Travel Grants and Best Paper Prizes

  • Mohammad Ali Khalighi — institute Fresnel, Marseille, France (Senior Member, IEEE) is Associate Professor with Ecole Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France, and head of 'Optical Communications for loT' group at Fresnel Institute research lab. He is currently serving as Project Coordinator for the H2020 ITN MSCA VisloN project (Visible-light-based Interoperability and Networking) and Action Chair for the COST Action CA19111 NEWFOCUS (European Net-work on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies). He has co-edited the book 'Visible Light Communications: Theory and Applications' (CRC Press, 2017) and was the co-recipient of the 2019 Best Survey Pa-per Award of the IEEE Communications Society. He is also serving as Editor-at-Large for the IEEE Transactions on Communications, and served as Associate Editor for the IET Electronics Letters as well as Guest Editor for the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society and Elsevier Optik journal. His main research interests include signal processing for wireless communication systems with an emphasis on the physical layer aspects of free-space, underwater, and indoor visible-light optical communications.
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Prof. Rafael Pérez-Jiménez – Chair of Publicity and Communications

Prof. Mónica Jorge Carvalho de Figueiredo – Chair of Publicity and Communications

  • Dr. Monica Figueiredo is an associate professor at the Polytechnic of Leiria since 2012 and a researcher at Telecommunications Institute. She received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2012. She has published more than 35 articles in peer reviewed journals and conferences, in the areas of high speed digital electronic systems, reconfigurable systems for telecommunications, edge computing with artificial intelligence and visible light communications. She has served as reviewer for several international journals ( IEEE/TVLSI, IEEE/TCASII, IEEE/PTL, IEEE/CommMag, MDPI, amongst others). She is also CEO and co-founder of TWEVO Lda., a startup providing reliable and intelligent solutions for the Industry 4.0.
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Prof. Beatriz Ortega – Co-Chair Special Sessions and Colloquiums

  • Beatriz Ortega (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree in Physics in 1995 from the Universidad de Valencia, and the Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering in 1999 from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. She currently works at the Departamento de Comunicaciones from the Universitat Politècnica de València, where she holds a Full Professorship since 2009 and collaborates as a group leader in the Photonics Research Labs in the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications. She has published more than 200 papers and conference contributions in fibre Bragg gratings, microwave photonics and optical networks. She has got several patents and is also a co-founder of EPHOOX company. She has participated in a large number of European Networks of Excellence and R&D projects and other national ones. Her main research is currently focused on optical devices, optical networks, wireless communications and microwave photonic systems and applications.
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Prof. Mauro Biagi – Co-Chair of Local Organizing Committee

Prof. Joaquin Perez-Soler – Publication Chair

Page updated on: 4 Jan 2024 - 14:09

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