Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers that are IEEE Xplore compatible in A4 format, main points of which are listed as follow:

Papers specification
- Minimum PDF version: 1.4
- A4 format
- Minimum font size: 10 pt
- Minimum left and right margins 1.2 cm
- Minimum top margin 1.9 cm
- Minimum bottom margin: 2.9 cm
- All fonts have to be embedded. No bookmarks, links, forms and notes allowed. Paper have to start with the paper title (no headers or preceding text)
- The length of final paper should be from 2 to 6 pages

Templates for MS Word and LaTEX can be downloaded here:

Papers templates
- MS Word Template (DOCX) – recommended here
- MS Word Template (DOC) here
- LaTEX Template here
- LaTEX Bibliography here

Papers must be uploaded using the EDAS Conference Management System

Before submission of the final version, papers should be converted to PDF and verified to be in the IEEEXplore format (the PDF-Express service can be used for this, with the Conference ID 60683X)

Before uploading final manuscript, authors are required to fill IEEE copyright form

For any questions related to manuscript submission, such as questions about paper file formats, page limits and formatting restrictions, please refer to the template and the published rules. As a last resort, please contact organisers

Page updated on: 16 Jul 2024 - 16:31

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Important dates

Today is

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Full paper due

14 March 2024 Expired

Notification of acceptance

23 April 2024 Expired

Final paper submission

31 May 2024 Expired

Registration opens

1 April 2024 Closed

Early bird registration closes

31 May 2024 Closed

Supporting grants application deadline


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